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Thermoplastic additive manufacturing also bypasses the long lead time and up-front investment in injection molding tooling. If you measure your finished parts on the three dimensions of quality, time-to-market, and cost per cubic inch, in many situations, industrial Selective Laser Sintering (SLS) offers a better total value proposition. 

3D Systems offers a wide variety of thermoplastics for 3D printing, engineered for a range of applications. Materials specialists, designers, and manufacturing engineers can collaborate on getting the exact features they need for both aesthetics and function.

These new design and manufacturing options open the door to:

  • Improved products
  • New designs
  • New business models
  • New markets

SLS parts can be designed with part consolidation in mind, eliminating assembly processes common to traditional manufacturing. Engineers can now design geometries for production that no other technology can produce, saving time and money.

Download the SLS Design Guide using the form on this page today.