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Vídeo corto sobre semiconductores

To accelerate innovation, semiconductor capital equipment manufacturers are turning to 3D printing, also known as additive manufacturing (AM). AM removes the limitations of traditional manufacturing technologies to enable functionally improved components, and a seamless transition from prototyping to low-volume production of complex parts. This approach can speed delivery of new capital equipment technologies to fabs that are designed to deliver improved productivity, wafer yield, and overall system quality & longevity.

With over two decades of semiconductor and additive manufacturing experience, 3D Systems will help you quickly adopt metal AM technology, giving you the control you need to produce high-performing, optimized parts.

Topics covered in this webinar:

  • The benefits of additive manufacturing to advance semiconductor capital equipment performance
  • Featured application: Manifold and tubing flow optimization
  • Featured application: Wafer table thermal management
  • Featured application: Flexure and structural optimization
  • How to successfully integrate additive manufacturing

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