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Today technology is changing rapidly, and new versions and models are being introduced quicker than ever before. Product designs that might have been expected to last for decades are becoming obsolete after only a few years, or even months.

Tool-less digital manufacturing solutions have changed the landscape of investment casting with 3D printing of high quality wax and resin casting patterns in hours that allow high complexity metal part production at significantly lower costs.

Tool-less digital manufacturing solutions will be adopted as the standard for investment casting in the age of the 21st century digital foundry.

The Digital Foundry will yield competitive advantages for those adopting digital processes powered by 3D printing. Download our eBook and understand how you can:

  • Eliminate tooling storage and maintenance costs
  • Optimize cast part designs and performance
  • Achieve true-to-CAD pattern accuracy and smooth surfaces
  • Gain higher design complexity only possible through additive manufacturing
  • Deliver premium, accelerated service
  • Greatly improve overall customer response times